Preventative Dentistry

Preserving and maintaining your natural teeth is the focus of our work. We want to ensure your teeth are strong, clean and healthy and will do all that we can to help you to keep them that way.

Preventative dentistry aims to keep your teeth and gums free of disease, decay, damage from wear and tear and the general build-up of plaque.

Through regular visits to Knowle Dental Practice and a rigorous home care routine, there’s no reason why your teeth can’t last you a lifetime.

Our team practices a thorough approach to preventative dentistry, which can be set out in four steps:

  1. Evaluate and assess the health of your teeth and gums during routine visits. This involves a visual assessment as well as taking dental x-rays
  2. Promote your oral health at home, showing you how to care for your teeth and gums on a daily basis
  3. Professional dental cleaning to remove build-up of plaque and bacteria that may harm your teeth over time
  4. Provide preventative treatments such as fillings, sealants and fluoride treatments as and when the need arises

Preventative dentistry at home

Maintaining your oral health at home, does not have to be difficult or time-consuming. In fact, it is an easy part of your daily routine which is essential and provides a lifetime of benefits.

Your home care routine should include the following:

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day
  • Floss your teeth at least once a day
  • Brush your tongue to remove bacteria and freshen your breath
  • Use dentist-approved products such as toothpastes and mouthwashes

When you attend for a routine appointment, please feel free to ask questions about flossing and brushing techniques and we’ll be happy to demonstrate.

Book your appointment to see us know, click here or call 0117 977 6567.